Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home Security - An Overview

Home security is a bigger issue today than ever before given the increasingly unsafe environment we live in, and should be undertaken with knowledge and care.

Before installing any system, it is important to create a plan, so grab a pencil and paper, and go round your property deciding what equipment you need in each area, where will it be placed, and how it will all link together. A secure home is very important to peace of mind, and many factors go into determining how secure a home will be.

Securing your home can and should involve using a number of different devices, but an alarm system should be a priority.

Alarms have traditionally been known as the most common and the most basic device for home security. Home alarms are just one link in the home security system chain and are generally a very good investment. Unmonitored systems typically have on-site alarms and/or flashing lights.

So if you think that door locks and door alarms, which emit a warning alarm or chime on entry, are sufficient, then think again. Electronic systems are more sophisticated, more reliable, and less liable to human error. This is one of the main reasons for the choice of modern intruder alarms and detection systems and various other home security devices.

Of equal importance, and probably the most reliable way to achieve extensive home security and surveillance is the installation of security cameras. In particular, mini spy hidden cameras (especially wireless ones) are so tiny you can place them almost anywhere. Although surveillance cameras can be connected by wires, the preferred way - and the more simple method - is to use a wireless connection, and this method is gaining in popularity.

These cameras can be linked to video recorders, and can even transmit pictures to web pages, with warnings being transmitted to the owner when motion is detected.

These live pictures will be recorded, but can also be seen in real time by going to the web page, and can therefore be viewed from anywhere in the world, subject to internet access.

As computer and information technology advances,so too does the sophistication of home security systems.

If you live in a high-crime area, your need for home security is greater, and creating sound home security is never easy in this fast-paced world, but is a proven deterrent to intruders.

Home security is one of the best gifts that you could ever give yourself and your loved ones. These days, home security is simply a must have.

The golden rule in home security is to ensure that your property does not present an opportunity.

Phil Fox is a writer of home security articles and hosts a comprehensive site on the subject at Blog56255
Bernita Blog69684

Backpacks and School Furniture - Threats to Our Childrens Wellbeing

About fifteen years ago I read a book by Alice Miller, For Your Own Good: Hidden cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence, a book that left a lasting impression on me. Miller was a psychoanalyst who, after twenty years of practicing psychoanalysis came to the realization that she could do more good by writing about the parent-child relationship for the general public. Her earlier work had led her to the conclusion that parents and teachers can harm children even when they believe they are acting in the best interest of the child.

I was particularly struck by her descriptions of child-rearing in Germany a century ago. Miller cited the work of Dr. Daniel Gottlieb Schreber, the inventor of the Schrebergrten (the German word for "small allotments") and whose widely read books had an enormous influence of the way parents treated their parents.

One of Schreber's convictions was that when babies cry they should be stopped by the use of spanking, assuring his readers that "such a procedure is only necessary once, or at the most twice, and then one is master of the child for all time. From then on, one look, one single gesture will suffice."

In effect, the experts of that period were saying that children were essentially little savages who needed to be tamed for their own good. Moreover, the abuse required for this taming process would simply fade from their minds once they matured into civilized adulthood; childhood experiences mattered only as a means to that end.

As Miller writes, Many people - motivated by what they thought to be the best of intentions - complied with the advice given them by Schreber and other authors about how best to raise their children. Today we would call it a systematic instruction in child persecution and maltreatment. Indeed physical punishment of children was officially condemned the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1998.

But there is absolutely no reason to think that German parents a hundred years ago loved their children any less that parents do now. They certainly did not set out to harm their children. They were simply using approved methods in much the same way that parents today rely on the advice available to them.

Intellectual honesty requires that we be open to the possibility that a century from now, some of our own parenting practices will be seen as having been as harmful as we today view those of 19th century Germany.

My own personal candidate for such a negative look back lies in field of posture - specifically the factors influencing postural development in our children and the ways in which parents and our schools attempt to promote good posture.

Most parents of school-aged children have become aware in recent years of the increasing weights their children are expected to carry to and from school in their backpacks. There has even been some discussion in the popular press about the harmful effects these packs have on the development of childrens' posture.

Nonetheless at the same time, some middle and high schools are now being built without storage lockers - presumably to prevent students from storing drugs - thereby forcing them to carry these overweight packs from class to class. All the while their packs get heavier and heavier.

As I write this, I can picture a small child I recently noticed on his way to school. He was probably nine or ten years old. I suppose he would be about four feet tall if he were standing normally. But he wasnt, thanks to his immense backpack. It was so heavy that his whole body curved sharply forward as he trudged along the sidewalk. He looked a little like an undersized and overloaded Sherpa on his way to Mt. Everest!

What makes me particularly upset is that I know whats in store for kids like him once they reach school. They will be forced to use standardized chairs and desks that make no allowance for the natural variation in childrens' shapes and sizes - furniture chosen to save a few dollars and make them easier for the custodial staff to stack and move.

To add insult to injury, they may well be required - while sitting in those horrible chairs - to watch a video on the importance of good posture!

The conditions found in most schools today would never be tolerated in a workplace thanks to government regulations, union pressure, and the threat of lawsuits. But they are widely accepted for our kids in school, even though their young bodies are far more at risk of developing harmful posture patterns that can lead to pain and poor physical functioning in later life.

How can loving parents allow this to happen? How could the parents of the boy I saw possibly allow him to to leave their home carrying such a heavy pack? How could they fail to raise a fuss about the furniture in his classroom?

I believe the answer flows from the same sort of blindness that allowed parents of earlier generations to beat their children. In part this blindness is caused by genuine ignorance of the effects of heavy backpacks and poor school furniture design. But I believe the main reason is a pervasive tendency on the part of adults to discount the importance of childrens' experience - the same sort of discounting that Alice Miller describes so eloquently in her books.

I would strongly advice parents to read one or more of Alice Millers books - they present compelling and well-documented evidence of the psychological harm caused by methods once thought to be good and proper. And then I would urge them to ask themselves if perhaps they arent inadvertently allowing a harm of a different kind to come to their own children.


A final note: Of course sometimes a childs posture gets so bad that parents and teachers take notice and try to do something about it. More often than not, their advice is to stand up straight, pull your shoulders back or something else of this sort. These admonitions are generally ignored by kids - and this is just as well since the advice is at best useless. For more on this subject, see ABCs of Good Posture by the Father of American Education at and The New Physical Education at


A number of articles by Alice Miller can be found at The Natural Child Project Website at

Robert Rickover is a teacher of the Alexander Technique living in Lincoln, Nebraska. He also teaches regularly in Toronto, Canada. Robert is the author of Fitness Without Stress - A Guide to the Alexander Technique and is the creator of The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique Copyright 2006, Robert RickoverAllyson Blog45580
Ammamaria Blog80728

Amenities that are Common on a Cruise Ship

Vacations and traveling go hand in hand. Most people would like to take a vacation that they can enjoy and yet still afford it. They want to be pampered but yet not go bankrupt. Vacationers want to enjoy everything possible. This article will take you to that possibility.

Are you fascinated in taking a cruise? If so, you are not by yourself. Every year a huge number of folks think about taking a trip on a cruise ship. If you by no means been on a cruise ship before, you may be speculating what facilities, services, and activities can be discovered onboard. The activities discovered onboard a cruise ship will vary from ship to ship, but a lot of cruise ships have several activities and services in common.

A number of nearly all well-known facilities discovered on cruise ships are restaurants, cafeterias and dining halls. Huge cruise ships may present several onboard dining facilities. It is imperative to note that a lot of these dining facilities are regarded as upscale restaurants. As well as a sit-down restaurant, there are usually several little eateries found onboard. Stylish dining restaurants are well-liked among cruisers. To make sure that you are able to take pleasure in an elegant dinner, you are encouraged to arrange a reservation once you board the ship.

Besides dining facilities, bars and dancehalls are also found on nearly all the cruise ships. As with nearly all of the dancehalls and bars located on land, there may be age limitations. If you are vacationing with your family, they may have to finish other activities while you take pleasure in the nightlight over the seas. If this should happen, you are in luck since the majority of cruise ships have daycare centers and other activities geared to kids of all ages.

So far you have read a few things that a cruise can offer but yet you may have children to bring along. No problem, continue reading and find out how you children can be managed.

When it comes to inserting your kid in the care of a ships daycare center, you are encouraged to quickly acquaint yourself with the employees. This acquaintance may help to quiet your nerves. It is also imperative to be aware of that cruise ship employees are frequently properly trained, closely monitored, and highly educated. While it may be hard at first, you should feel at ease leaving your kid in the care of a cruise ship childcare employee.

Childcare is perfect for younger children; yet, if you are vacationing with a teenager, daycare may not be a choice. Movie theaters, video arcades, libraries, and swimming pools can regularly be located on cruise ships. Adult supervision is a policy that stops children under a particular age from wandering freely about the ship. Teenagers may be capable of visiting these facilities with no adult supervision. Every cruise ship is liable to have distinct adult supervision rules. You are urged to examine these rules before buying your tickets.

As well to the above mentioned bars and dancehalls, casinos or gaming halls can be found on a majority of cruise ships. As with gambling on land, there are age restrictions on individuals that can gamble on the ship. Well-liked gambling activities include blackjack, poker, slots, and much more. A lot of onboard casinos are open for business twenty-four hours a day. Gambling is a well-liked cruise ship pastime. If you are reserving a cruise only to gamble, you may want to further investigate the gambling choices aboard each cruise ship.

Cruise ship operators understand that many vacationers take a cruise to getaway from their every day routines. Regrettable for some, one activity that cant be left behind is exercise. That is why a majority cruise ships have onsite fully equipped gyms and fitness centers. These exercise rooms are regularly comparable, and occasionally even better, than the gyms located in your hometown. As well as a fitness center, an abundance of cruise ships have jogging tracks.

If a specific event or activity is the only purpose why you are fascinated in reserving a cruise, you are encouraged to physically check for that activity or event prior to making your reservation. The above mentioned activities, services, and facilities are located on several well-liked cruise lines. These cruise lines are likely to include, but are not limited to Paradise Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines, Celebrity Cruises, and Royal Caribbean. With a toll free phone call or the click of a mouse you can simply establish if your preferred activities can be located aboard the cruise ship of your choice.

After reading this article, do you think you can enjoy being pampered while taking a cruise? Cruises are a great vacation and affordable. If you still have doubts, read more articles on cruises. Feel comfortable about your decision and your vacation will be more enjoyable.

Keith HoyngBrynne Blog68187
Anett Blog68683

Franchising As A Vehicle For Economic Empowerment


The simplest definition for franchising is: A method of doing business whereby a franchisor licenses trademarks, systems and methods of doing business to a franchisee in exchange for a recurring ongoing consideration i.e. a royalty fee or a franchise management fee.

Franchising is a form of a business by which the owner (franchisor) of a product, service, or method obtains distribution through affiliated dealers (franchisees). A franchisor is expected to offer assistance in organising, training, merchandising, marketing, and giving direction in return for a consideration.

Franchising usually involves a contractual arrangement between a franchisor (a manufacturer, a wholesaler, or a service sponsor) and a retail franchisee, which allows the franchisee to conduct a given form of business under an established name and according to a given pattern of business.


In some respects, NO. You still have to answer to someone else and follow his or her direction. You don't really own the business; you own the assets you've purchased in order to establish the business. If you consider that you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself, then YESyou are self employed.


Globally, franchising is the most popular and the fastest growing business economic model. It assembles business relationships that allow people to share brand identification, a proven method of doing business and a successful marketing and distribution system. When most people think of a franchise, they think fast food. Franchising, however, long ago grew beyond the burger and fried-chicken shops. Today franchise concepts span over 70 different product and service sectors, including such businesses as auto-repair shops, children's art centers, fitness clubs, law & consulting practices, and many home based businesses. The franchising business model has turned into a major economic engine globally and it is one that's providing increasing opportunities for companies and individual entrepreneurs alike.

For South Africa, and for Africa as whole, franchising is a perfect vehicle for the economic empowerment of the historically disadvantaged sectors of the population. This brings with it the need for the establishment of more franchises. That is, franchising businesses that are established, that has a unique offering and where the method of doing business has been tried, tested and perfected. Apart from empowering companies and individuals, there should be a particular focus on identifying labour intensive businesses that have the potential to make a significant and positive impact on employment creation as well as those businesses that have a product or service offering for export markets with the ultimate objective of booming local economies.


1. An investment is usually made into a proven business.

2. A faster start up, developing a customer base quicker, and experiencing profitability quicker are key attractions.

3. There is a known quantifiable proven formula.

4. Owner transition and training is available, and there is full control of strategic direction and ability to thoroughly review past records and company history.

5. The biggest advantage of franchising appears to be the reduction of risk you will be taking for your investment.

6. You also usually get better deals on supplies because the franchise company can purchase goods and supplies in bulk for the entire chain, and then pass that savings on to you and the other franchise units.

7. Customers are dealing with a "known" rather than an "unknown."


1. Some franchises can be very expensive. Franchisors expect you to follow their operations manuals to the letter. No flexibility on your part.

2. Buying a franchise is like marrying someone you haven't known for long.

3. The relative security offered by franchisors may be exaggerated. Some franchisors are in for a quick buck.

4. Franchising as a pyramid scheme. Some companies try to make money by just collecting franchise fees, and won't spend the time or money necessary to help their existing franchisees succeed.

5. Overcharging for supplies. Some franchisers may require you to buy supplies exclusively from them at inflated prices.

6. Fees for unnecessary training.

7. Misleading sales presentations. Some franchisors over-promise the moon in their pitches to prospective franchisees


An appropriate first step in the decision to franchise is an examination of the question of whether or not a business concept is actually "franchisable." Any organization seriously considering franchising should undertake this analysis before implementing a franchise strategy. While it is impossible to determine the franchisability of a business concept without a significant amount of analysis, most franchise experts are guided by the following criteria to assess the readiness of a company for franchising and the likelihood that it will achieve success as a franchisor.

1. Credibility: To sell franchises, a company must first be credible in the eyes of its prospective franchisees. Large organisation size, number of outlets, years in operation, strength of management are key credibility factors.

2. Differentiation: In addition to credibility, a franchise organisation must be adequately differentiated from its franchised competitors. This can come in the form of a differentiated product or service, a reduced investment cost, a unique marketing strategy, or different target markets.

3. Transferability of knowledge: The next criterion is the ability to teach a system to others. To franchise, a business must generally be able to thoroughly educate a prospective franchisee in a relatively short period of time.

4. Adaptability: Next, measure how well a concept can be adapted from one market to the next. Some concepts do not adapt well over large geographic areas because of regional variations in consumer tastes or preferences.

5. Refined and successful prototype operations: A refined prototype is necessary to demonstrate that the system is proven, and is generally instrumental in the training of franchisees. The prototype also acts as a testing ground for new products, new services, marketing techniques, merchandising, and operational efficiencies.

6. Documented systems: All successful businesses have systems. But in order to be franchisable, these systems must be documented in a manner that communicates them effectively to franchisees.

7. Affordability: Affordability merely reflects a prospective franchisees ability to pay for the franchise in question. This criterion is as much a reflection of the prospective franchisee as it is of the actual cost of opening a franchise.

8. Return on Investment: This is the real acid test. A franchised business must, of course, be profitable. But more than that, a franchised business must allow enough profit after a royalty for the franchisees to earn an adequate return on their investment of time and money.

9. Market trends and conditions: While not an indicator of franchisability as much as general indicators of the success of any business; these trends are key to long-term planning. Is the market growing or consolidating? How will that affect your business in the future? What impact will the Internet have? Will the franchisees products and services remain relevant in the years ahead? What are other franchised and non-franchised competitors doing? And how will the competitive environment affect your franchisees likelihood of long-term success.

10. Capital: While franchising is a low-cost means of expanding a business, it is not a "no cost" means of expansion. A franchisor needs the capital and resources to implement a franchise program. The resources required to initially implement a franchise program will vary depending on the scope of the expansion plan. If a company is looking to sell one or two franchised units, the necessary legal documentation may be completed at low costs. For franchisors targeting aggressive expansion, however, start-up costs can run into Hundreds of Thousands and more.

11. Commitment to relationships: Successful franchisors focus on building long-term relationships with their franchisees that are mutually rewarding. Unfortunately, not all franchise organizations understand the link that exists between relationships and profits. Strong franchisee relationships enable the franchisor to sell franchises more effectively, introduce needed changes into the system more easily, and motivate franchisees and their managers to provide a consistent level of products and services to their customers.

12. Strength of management: Finally, the single most important aspect contributing to the success of any franchise program is the strength of its management. More often than not, new franchisors will try to take everything on themselves. In addition to absorbing several new jobs for which the franchisor has little to no time, the franchisor needs to exhibit expertise in fields in which he or she may have little or no experience: franchise marketing, lead handling, franchise sales, ad fund management, training, and multi-unit operations management.


Buying a franchise can be a daunting task. With thousands of franchises in over 70 different industries available worldwide, finding the best franchise can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Moreover, the best franchise for your neighbour might be a disaster in the waiting for you. How do you invest in the right franchise?

1. Why?: First, you must ask yourself certain questions and be very objective. Why do you want to own a franchise? If it's to get rich or to get on easy street and not have to work, then franchising will probably not meet your expectations. If you are like many people who have the dream of owning your own business (but not being on your own), being your own boss and having control of your life, then franchising may be for you.

2. Strengths: Be realistic and fully understand your strengths and weaknesses. Invest your strengths into the right type of franchise. Dont explore every franchise opportunity. Select only those you believe co-incides with your strengths

3. Research: Compile a list of the franchises that interest you. Go through their websites and set up meetings with the franchise manager/director.

4. Disclosure Document: Study the franchise disclosure document or prospectus. Here you want to see strong financial history, experienced people in key positions, and a company that has been in business for 3 years or more, the longer the better, has a large number of outlets and has few closed or bought back.

5. Franchise Agreement: Closely examine the franchise agreement. This is the contract between you and the company. Franchise agreements are always biased in favor of the franchisor, that's just the way it is. This can be good and bad. The company can be unfair in it's dealings with you and the franchise agreement may allow this, on the other hand you should want a strong franchisor.

6. References: Call as many franchisees as possible. Call at least 10. Find out how they are doing. The key question is "Would you buy this franchise again?"

7. Visits: Visit personally as many operating units as possible. At least three. Often the owner or manager will be more forthcoming in person than over the phone.

8. Verify Financial Information: If everything still looks good, then contact the sales rep and get as much definitive sales information as possible. Most franchisors will not make earnings claims but they will provide information with which you may extrapolate gross sales.

9. Advisors: If everything still looks good then go for it. If you are unsure, speak to qualified advisors.


Generally, on a global level, 30% of small independent businesses fail within the first year, with less than 20% going beyond year 5. Franchises, on the other hand, are significantly more successful. Less than 5% of franchises fail. The reason(s) for failure could be a number of factors, most of which could have been prevented by due diligence during the early phase. The following are the main reasons franchises fail:

1. The Idea. Whether you are franchising your own company or buying into a franchise system, how the concept is received by the community is critical. While burgers seem to have universal appeal, not all food chains meet with majority approval. Also, if your business model is complicated you are in for a struggle. You want to create an operational standard that can be taught to and replicated by any businessperson. A company may be successful when run by the entrepreneur who dreamed up the concept, however, if the business model or prototype is not easily duplicated the chances for success are not so optimistic.

2. Bad Location. Ask seasoned franchisees to name one of the most important keys to a successful franchise and undoubtedly they will say, "Location, location, location." Even with a well-branded name, if you are off the beaten path, inconveniently located or in an isolated area the opportunity to be as lucrative as possible diminishes.

3. Poor Marketing/Advertising. Many well-established and reputable franchisors have marketing and advertising funds into which franchisees contribute monetarily. Chains like McDonald's and Subway have national campaigns, while other types of franchises may advertise on a local level. Some franchise concepts require a lot of legwork on behalf of the franchisee. Depending on the business you chose, you may have to solicit your own clients, as in technical and computer support franchises. If you are considering a concept that requires outside sales skills and you lack them, you may want to rethink your choice.

4. Competition. There are approximately 160,000 franchises in operation in the US. That means a lot of competition. If your market already is saturated with a concept you may want to consider something that still is popular but not yet tapped out. Medical spas and restaurants offering healthy choices are gaining ground among the public but there is abundant room on the business owner side.

5. Unrealistic Expectations. New franchisees are notorious for having very high expectations for their businesses. It may take 2-3 years before you see a profit and if you don't plan for that you may sink before you have a chance to swim.

A word to the wise: If you don't like people you should not buy a franchise. If you want to make it you have to put in long hours and work with all kinds of personalities. It's an undeniable fact that some people are more difficult to interact with than others. As a business owner you need to be able to interact well with people from all walks of life. The ability to manage employees also is essential to the success of your business.

Visit The Leading business brokers in Africa offering a large range of businesses and franchise for sale.

Silvan PillayBrana Blog28569
Bibi Blog21522

How Car Dealers' Treat Women

The first time I went on a big car lot to buy a car, was with my girlfriend at the time. The salesperson met us outside our car as if he was going to valet it. I asked him if I could park there, and he responded jokingly only if I wanted to buy a car. He immediately asked what kind of car I was looking for. My response was, the car is for her, she is making the decision. I mistakenly thought that was direct and sufficient enough, but apparently I was wrong.

The next few questions were directed at me, as if he hadnt heard my response to the first question. To which I answered the car is for her, she is making the decision, about six times I think. I thought maybe he was hard of hearing, but after hanging out for a few minutes with him, I found that wasnt the case. She finally settled on a car in the price range she was looking for and he ran to get the keys, which of course he handed to me. I got in to drive, the salesman sat in the passenger seat and my girlfriend sat in the back. He was asking me about the power, the torque, and the handling.

About a mile down the road, I pulled over to let her drive. The salesman nearly had a heart attack when I got out. I told you a number of times that the car was for her, I am letting the decision maker drive, so she can make her decision I told him. I was expecting the same question about the power and torque directed to her, but they never came, just questions about the fabric interior and the color of the car. It was as if he took a sales course about generalizing what each gender wants in a car. When we got back to the car lot, we followed him inside to work out the numbers and financing. Then the games started. We were young, but not stupid. He was writing numbers all over the place on a sheet of paper that he folded in fours. He wanted to know a payment I was comfortable with. I just pointed at my girlfriend. She answered $200, to which he responded $200 up to what. 201 I remember her saying, I knew there was a reason I liked her.

For the next 20 minutes, we were being manipulated into thinking that the car we drove may not be there tomorrow, and her payment of $223/mo. with what I thought was a sizable down payment, would get her the car tonight. Unlike most car buyers, she was not an emotional buyer. She decided the monthly payment was too much higher than her budget, and said no thank you. We got up to leave and the look on his face was as if we just punched him in the stomach. He had one last ditched effort to keep us as clients. When that was rebuked, he blocked the door and said, When you come back to buy this car, ask for me, because I dont do this for fun, I do this to feed my family. I hope his family knows how to garden. The whole experience made us want to go home and shower and not deal with people like that anymore.

If you ask any woman who has gone on a lot herself, you will be amazed at the comments they get. This one took the cake: Did your husband give you his wallet to shop for a car tonight? The reason I am now a used car salesman, is because there is nobody else stepping up and treating people like they should be treated when buying a car. There are way to many games and manipulations going on and people are buying cars for way too much with financing that is burying them, because some unscrupulous car dealer tricked them into it.

Tom Carey is the owner of A Pennsylvania used car dealership in Norristown that specializes in giving the public access to exclusive dealer-only car auctions, saving them thousands per car.Brynna Blog87411
Aura Blog76786

Why own a Mall?

I work in a low pay, high demand job in London. For me, this means I hardly have any "me" time left when I go home. When I was refered to CB Mall by a friend, I was a little surprised when I just saw a simple looking page with a search field at the top. What I didn't know was that the wealth and clarity of the information contained there was of high quality and not misleading at all. Initially, I thought it was another one of the "Get rich" Scams (I'm sure you know what I mean), but after continuing to simply browse the site, I was pleasantly surprised

As I don't have a lot of time to waste searching and looking for things, it's refreshing that all I need to go is to CB Mall. It had everything I felt I needed to know, information products like:

* Secrets to Automatic Money-Making Online
* Secret Gambling Strategies and Techniques
* Dieting Secrets
* Quit Smoking Techniques
* Secrets to Attracting The Opposite Sex
* Increase health easily
* other books you wont find easily (trust me!)

I opted for one of these programs and I haven't looked back! To be honest, I don't actually need to work now, but because I love my job so much, I CHOOSE to work rather than HAVE to work. Wouldn't it be great if you could do that to if you felt like it?

What I do know is that there a literally thousands of scam websites that are there just to take your money and wave goodbye to you. Have you ever spent lots of money on "get rich quick" schemes only to end up embarrased that you've been swindled out of your cash? Me too, I hate the feeling. CB Mall only provides verified and bonafide sources, so you can feel safe in knowing that you'll have a substantial amount of return on your investment.

I believe that the idea behind CB Mall is that it brings to its customer information about a desired subject or the most searched subjects of interest, but mostly it offers programs that can actually make you money while you sleep.
So if the information in the store doesn't inspire you to make loads of cash, CB Mall will provide you with a fully automated system that you control and brings untold fortunes within minutes and without breaking a sweat!

Go there now and see for yourself. I think just by clicking on any subject, you'll see what I mean.

Prince Ogdoad is currently in full-time employment in the finance industry in London. When hes spare time, he enjoys researching internet strategies for building income. He can be contacted on digitalmonitor at Blog1233
Catina Blog85634

What You Need To Know Before You Shop Online

Shopping on the Internet used to be the exception; now it is the norm. At any given time, millions of people are buying hundred of millions of items online - everything from sock to SUVs, a new bikini to a new bathroom sink. Yes, even the bathroom sink -- and not your mother’s bathroom sink, either. Today’s consumer wants the sleek good looks of the new glass vessel sinks and Italian-inspired vanity sets that are the rage in Europe and have been featured stateside in upscale magazines and designer showcases.

So, if you are thinking about a bathroom remodeling project, you really should think about buying your bathroom vanity, sink, fixtures, and accessories online. You could save as much as 70% over what you would expect to pay at one of those big “box” stores - more than enough to help pay for the installation (if you’re not going to do it yourself, which is easier than you may think!).

But, before you whip out your credit card and power up your PC, there are a few things you should know about buying online.

Above all, you want to make sure you are getting the highest quality at the best possible price - and from a site that offers the best customer service and has the best return policies and price guarantee.

So, compare sites. You’ll soon find out that many online bathroom supply sites sell the same merchandise… at the same price and with the same discount. So, that’s no bargain, unless you want a “new” bathroom that looks like everyone else’s - or worse yet, like your old bathroom.

What you want is a site that has bathroom fixtures as unique as you are. One that features bathroom vanities, sinks, mirrors and accessories that go beyond the ordinary, but that are functional, practical, and reliable. You want to do business with a supplier that offers the best discount on the best products. Why jump on a 50% discount, when you can get 70% off the manufacturer’s suggested retail price? Why settle for a 15- or 30-day return policy when you can lock in a 60-day policy? Why get a 100% price guarantee, when you can get 110%?

But, where can you find a site that offers all these benefits?

At the Kitchen and Bath Warehouse. No other site beats their prices or polices, and no other supplier can bring European style, elegance, and grace into you home as affordably.

You can see their entire inventory of bathroom vanities, sinks, mirrors, faucets, and other accessories at Check it out - your new bathroom is just a mouse click away!

Timothy Labas is VP of Lands Warehouse Publishing. He brings with him over 15 years of House Remodeling experience. His skills have been a great asset for the company. - visit the website and learn more about home decorating and remodeling, kitchen and bathroom design and dcor ideas.Aggy Blog9190
Bess Blog91982

Success University - Online Training With Matt Morris For Online Success

Before you can hope to be successful in any business, you have to understand that business and know how to peak the interest of your potential customers. Whether you are offering a product or a service, people have to understand what it is, why they need it and why they should get it from you.

Online marketing has changed the way people do business and unless you can embrace the knowledge needed to meet these changes, your success will be limited to those customers willing to deal with you in the same old way. Internet marketing takes a completely different approach because people who conduct business online, search for companies with which to do business online, and you need to be found.

After attending the University of Texas, Arlington, Texas Matt Morris saw the future in the internet and worked diligently to become fully knowledgeable in internet marketing. His determination led to not only, financial success, but also to being somewhat of an expert in marketing on the internet. As a Marine Corps Sergeant, he understood the need to lead others and to provide the proper training to help make his fellow Marines a success. Combining his knowledge of internet marketing and his passion for helping other succeed led him to establish Success University.

He understood that without the proper training, no one could move above mediocrity. While he enjoyed personal growth at two network marketing companies, he believed he could help other attain their personal goals by sharing what he had learned. Joining with other leaders in the market, sales and technical field, Success University provides the training essential for just about anyone to achieve success.

However, signing up for the course is not going to make you an instant success that is why it is called Success University. You have to actually read and learn the materials and put them to practical application. After reviewing the course materials and all the extras you can receive as a student, you can then judge how everything you can learn can help make your business grow into the business you have always known it could be. While you can make money introducing others to Success University, by practicing what you learn you can make a positive impact from your own business.

Distance learning has grown exponentially over the past few years, with major accredited colleges and universities understanding many people want to improve their knowledge but do not have the time to attend traditional classes. Additionally, some educational resources are not appropriate in a classroom setting since people learn at a different rate and not everyone needs to learn or know everything that is being taught in each lesson.

The online learning experience at Success University teaches what you need to know about running an online business and what better venue in which to learn but online. Your business is online, great training opportunities are available online and your future success is online. There us no better combination to help you achieve financial security than attending distance learning classes at Success University online.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science, is an affiliate marketer for an organization that has been in business for more than six years. This organization provides all of the training materials and resources needed to start and run your internet business. Find all of the qualification of an extraordinary distance learning training opportunity featuring Matt Morris at Success University at Blog99948
Alis Blog75365

Your Questions and Kenn's Question to You

Over the past two months I've collected many website questions from various coaches and groups. Your questions and my answers are below.

Your Questions

Q: How much of a computer do I need to start? What will I need five years from now when I have a huge database, shopping cart, etc? If I am looking for a laptop, what are some of the baseline stats and options I should definitely have?

A: I'm the web guy and I'm all over the Internet. I use the baseline Dell model of about three years ago and it's more than I'll need for a long time. Data storage is cheap. Using any current model computer, you'll have no issues with "computing power." The great thing about computer technology is that it gets better and cheaper every day. Too bad cars don't run on gigabytes!

I'd focus more on your work/life/office style while keeping things simple. Focus on a fun, productive work environment - a place where you would want to work. For example, I have a nice desk - spacious, clean, and organized for the bulk of my work. I have an old, small, empty laptop for writing and surfing when I want to get out of the house.

As for databases, your email list database would be nicely handled by a third party provider. Your client list would easily be handled by contact management software like Outlook, Act or Eudora. You probably want to focus on building your business and coaching clients while taking advantage of other services to help you.

Q: What top 5 things should I consider if I want a basic website now, and expect it to accommodate excellent growth in my business this year, next year, five years from now?

A: This naturally depends on what your goal/purpose/vision is. There's no one right way to grow a coaching practice. So, assume you are a new coach just getting out of school. For the next year or two, you want to build a full practice of clients that you can live off full time. I'd suggest:

Make sure your website has a clear, useful purpose for your business. Make sure you fully understand how it will fit into your business and what use you hope to get out of it.

Create email capture/send functionality to keep in touch with people. This means you not only have the functionality on your website, but you should also have some strategy for interaction as well.

Make your site so compelling that every visitor/prospect will want to be part of your business in one way or another.

Make it look professional. A great lawyer in a shabby suit with holes, leaves you with a lot of doubt.

Remember your site is a work-in-progress. Let it serve some useful purpose now (back to #1) and then you can change it in the future as your needs evolve.

Q: If I am working with a graphic designer for my cards and printed materials, and I am working with a web designer for my site, how do I coordinate/share the graphics & vision so that there is continuity between my site and my printed materials?

A: What you can do is come up with the "creatives." From the creatives, all your graphical needs such as your business cards, brochure, website, stationery, etc, will be derived. Creatives can include:

* a description of what people should feel when looking at your business
* several adjectives about your business
* the vision of your business down the road
* description of your target audience
* your business mission
* desired business colors
* how your business differs from others
* obviously the name of your business
* any desired graphics, patterns, images, or shapes

Once you have your creatives, you can design a logo, design the visual aspect of your website, etc.

Q: How much of my website can I edit and change after a web designer/master sets it up? If I want to have a page or two where I can change text at my discretion, is that possible for me to do directly, or must I go through the designer?

A: Being able to update your own website is something every coach should be able to do. Your web designer will enable you to do what you need in your business, including updating pages to keep your site current.

If it isn't worth your time to update your own site, say you have a lot of updates often, then you may want to pay a designer or hire a virtual assistant.

Q: What does it cost to build a basic website with several pages, some good graphics, an email capture & newsletter distributor, and maybe one free ebook or e-product promotion? What does it cost to make the most frequently requested changes? What are the costs to changing design or adding pages, vs. the costs for simply changing text on the existing pages?

A: The tough thing about building websites is that there are no standards to go by. I feel bad for people shopping for website help.

You can pay nothing dollar-wise but spend a lot of time, or spend a lot of $$ and little of your time. Sadly, spending a lot of $$ won't guarantee success ... in fact it's easy to spend a lot of $$ and end up with a site that isn't very useful. It happens often.

How do I answer this question in a useful and short way? I'm going to throw out some numbers. Hiring a professional web designer who knows your business will save you a lot of time and can put you years ahead, resulting in a good-looking site, and giving you the functional tools you need to market yourself.

Be sure that when you shop, ask a lot of questions. You want to be confident about the web designer's: graphical skills, sense of your business and how it should be presented, and technical skills to make it all work with the least amount of headaches.

The costs will be in the range of $1500-$5000. I say this with much hesitancy because you still need to deal with the copy writing

aspects of your website. Most importantly, be sure whatever you spend, your time, your money, etc, you are confident that the website you end up with will actually help you ... otherwise you will be spending much, much, much more down the road.

Q: As a new coach on a limited budget, what are the top 3 things I should think about doing with my first site?

A: Everyone is on a budget. Don't let budget be the main factor in choosing your solution. The cheapest dollar solution will help you succeed at minimizing the cost of your website. Your website solution should be one that helps you succeed at, for many new coaches, building a full client load.

Top three things to think about:

1. Where do you want your business to be in the next year or two?
2. What do you want your website to "do" to help you get there?
3. What resources do you have to make that happen?

Q: Do web designers secure the domain name, or does the client do that alone, before hiring?

A: Either way. It's relatively easy and inexpensive to register a domain name.

Q: Once a domain name is secured, how do you find the right place to have it hosted? What is there to know about shopping around for this?

A: Like technology, hosting is very cheap these days, ranging from a few bucks a month to $10-$20 a month. If you get into e-commerce and newsletters, you will pay more, usually tens of dollars more per month.

You will want a host that is established, reliable, and has good customer support. If your web designer isn't handling all of the technical aspects for you, good customer support from your host is very important.

Q: If I am currently a one-woman-shop, is there any benefit to having a couple of different email addresses for my for me as coach vs. technical feedback? Or, does technical feedback go to you, the web designer?

A: The complexity added by having multiple email addresses often isn't worth the hassle. I'd suggest sticking with one,

Q: If I offer a free newsletter and have a way to capture emails, or if I offer a free info-product, will I automatically be able to get ratios of *sales* per visits to the site? Or is it just as simple as comparing number of visitors to number of *sales*? When I get data about number of hits, does this include ratios of new visitors vs. repeats, etc? How do I get this data and who provides it? Are there additional costs?

A: It's a great idea to keep track of conversion rates that occur at your website. Stats are easy to get and can be provided in various ways. You just need to make sure you are set up with them when you are setting up your website. Be sure to ask your web designer if these stats can be attained.

Q: What should I do to help search engines choose my site?

A: There are a lot of factors that go into getting websites to the top of search engines. Some things you can do to help, and many things you won't be able to do. The main things are to be sure your website is easy for search engines to access, has your keywords in it often, and gets links pointing to your website.

Q: How do the services work that handle capturing emails and sending out newsletters and other marketing automated follow-ups? Where is the data stored, and is there any advantage to having that on my own computer for any reason? Are they secure so that I can be confident that they will not share the info with other people, or sell it?

A: I strongly recommend using an email list service. Two services I've used include Aweber and Constant Contact. You will want to use them because they are dedicated to getting your email to their destination while making it easy for you to send them out. With all the junk mail you get and the SPAM abuse to deal with, you need these kinds of resources.

The data is stored at their place, so you don't have to worry about your data. The data gets backed up regularly too.

To answer the question of "How do they work?"- they are user-friendly, intuitive, and come with how-to guides. Essentially you capture email addresses; write a newsletter (in text or html) and click "send" to reach your audience.

Q: I hate the sites where the page is too wide to be viewed without scrolling back and forth horizontally. What do you do to ensure that even people with smaller screens (and for that matter, slower computers or connections) can easily and quickly navigate my site, never having to work hard to see what I want them to see?

A: As time goes on, the percentage of users using smaller screens decreases in favor of bigger screens. This is because unlike other things, computer-related equipment prices generally go down over time. So what I do is to design websites for screens that make up the majority. The minority, those with 15 inch monitors, will be used to horizontal scrolling.

And again, even if everyone had gigantic monitors, there's just so much information one can absorb on a website without going bonkers. Usually bigger screen users are using bigger screens not to see more of a single website, but to have multiple applications going at once, like having email up while browsing a website and watching for instant messaging. A website built for 17 inch monitors is about where design is right now.

Q: A friend of mine just created his first website using Dreamweaver, working his way through the tutorial to learn how. His finished product is a website that, while not stunning (and I'm sure not found on Google or set up to collect email addresses or send out e-zines, etc), is presentable and gives him a basic website to send folks to. It was free except for his time (and he already had Dreamweaver), and he can now save up for a more professional site when he is financially ready.

My question: If I wanted to do the same thing, would I be able to hire someone like you down the road to add some bells and whistles (like email capture, e-zine signup, info-product sales, and maybe attractors for the Googles of the world)? Would a web designer add to what I had created, or would he have to start from scratch?

A: You can certainly add to a website. A website is like a work in progress that evolves as your business evolves. Some automated software programs or hosts that provide low cost websites may limit your ability to add these additional functions - but there's always a way to "skin the cat."

Kenn's Question to You: Why don't you have a Website?

Why do you put up with a lazy website? It's tough enough to sell an invisible service that still many people don't understand. You should be using everything you have to get clients, and a solid website is essential.

* Not sure where to start?
* Overwhelmed by the web?
* Think you aren't technical enough?
* Not serious about your business? (subconsciously, this is what prospects think if you lack a good website)

If you are a coach who needs to create a client-attracting website or needs to redesign one, take some time to see if my services are right for you: Find out more about the types of coaches I help.

Kenn Schroder, professional web designer for coaches helps you build a magnetic coaching web site to attract clients. Web site design, search engine optimization (SEO), FREE report and FREE newsletter to help you build a practice-growing coaching web site. Blog28569
Anabelle Blog2425

Take Advantage of Cheap Web Hosting without Sacrificing Quality Service

You've probably read the ads promising very cheap web hosting. They promise web page hosting at dirt cheap prices, but are you really getting a bargain at these low hosting prices? Let's find out. Here are some great tips on finding low cost web hosting without sacrificing quality service.

Avoid the Freebies

Websites that offer free web site hosting usually aren't really free when you consider the benefits you must give up. Most free web site hosting offers give you free space on another company's website, but you are not getting actual domain hosting. You're getting one or a few of your web pages displayed on someone else's domain. Therefore, you can never fully promote your website or help it to reach its full potential. If the company is shut down tomorrow, your site will shut down as well.

Another disadvantage of free web page hosting is you will probably have advertisements on your web pages. At the very least, you'll have an ad for the company that is providing the hosting space. This can cause your visitors to click out of your website before buying your products.

Even some cheap web hosting services offer similar services as the free hosts. The only difference is they charge you for poor hosting service!

Compare Virtual Host Packages

When shopping for cheap web hosting, be sure to compare web site hosting packages - not only prices. Some key features to look for are the amount of web space you're getting for the money. You might not need much web hosting space at the start, but as you expand, the website will grow much larger. So, you'll most likely have to purchase more web hosting space if you don't purchase enough at the start. In comparing low cost web hosting packages, you might be surprised at the differences in amount of web space you get when paying only a dollar or two more.

Other things to look for when comparing cheap web hosting packages include customer and technical support availability, multiple email accounts and auto responders, detailed control panel such as cPanel or a similar program, password protected directories, etc. If you need special web design integration with PHP, MySQL and databases, be sure the virtual host offers these features. Also, if you plan to resell hosting to your customers, be sure the virtual host offers reseller hosting as well.

Decide on Web Design First

Before choosing a cheap web hosting package, decide on how you will design your website. What programming language will you use in your web design? Will you need to integrate a shopping cart and/or customer database? How will you handle your customer emails? All these questions should be considered before choosing a cheap web hosting package.

Take some time to find the web site hosting service that will meet your needs, both today and in the future. Keep in mind that you will probably use your web host's services for many years to come. Taking time now to find the best possible cheap web hosting with all the features you need will save you from many headaches in the future.

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comAmeline Blog98653
Cal Blog81676

San Francisco Schools Hire Mcgraw-Hill VP

After six months of interviewing applicants nationwide, San Francisco Schools district has filled its top position. Carlos Garcia, Vice President of Urban Markets for McGraw-Hill (educational publishers), has been selected as the next Superintendent of San Francisco Schools. Board members have been seeking a replacement since January after interim Superintendent Gwen Chan announced that she would not return to the post in the fall.

Garcia was voted in due to his experience in San Francisco Schools, strong results as Superintendent of other districts, and good reputation as a fiscal manager. Garcia served both Fresno, California and Clark County, Nevada as Superintendent. From 1988-91 Garcia was principal of San Francisco Schools Horace Mann Middle School. During his tenure the school improved its achievement scores and received recognition for its accomplishments.

According to Board President of San Francisco Schools, Mark Sanchez, We chose Mr. Garcia because of his past experience with San Francisco, his strong track record as a superintendent and his understanding of the challenges that our district faces. The San Francisco Schools have dealt with issues like declining enrollment over the past few years, as families leave for better districts and private schools. Initiatives like the small schools program are one of many that the San Francisco Schools are implementing to reverse this trend. This change in leadership may bring some of these programs into question, although the school board seems confident that Garcia is in line with their priorities.

Thirty applicants were interviewed since January in an attempt to find a new leader for the San Francisco Schools. Garcias credentials includes a B.A. from Claremont Mens College in political science, a M.A. in education from Claremont Graduate school, and an administrative degree from California State University at Fullerton. Parents in San Francisco Schools provided input to the hiring process in the form of both community meetings, and over a thousand surveys, to determine the criteria for their next leader.

Leadership of the San Francisco Schools will have a strong impact on financial spending and program funding. Given pressure to meet national No Child Left Behind standards, administrators in San Francisco Schools are constantly making decisions about how best to allocate funds. Californias poor reputation on educational priorities and spending was recently highlighted by a think tank study that claimed that the states educational priorities are in such disarray that the whole system needs an overhaul. While San Francisco Schools leaders may agree with the study, they still need state funding to run their districts.

The fact that Garcia led one of the nations largest districts, Clark County, gives the San Francisco Schools reasons to hope that he will use the same financial wisdom in this district. Six of the seven board members voted for Mr. Garcias appointment, with the seventh asking for more time to decide. Garcia will begin serving San Francisco Schools on July 16th, 2007.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog87870
Aggy Blog18192

Netflix Informed About Movies On Demand; May Stop Mailing DVDs

Netflix, the company whose enormous red billboards have been annoying computer users for some time, has been informed about the existence of on-demand movies.

Shocked that a person can simply click a remote control to pay for and view a movie, the company has realized that expecting consumers to pay to have DVDs mailed to them and then remembering to mail them back is not a credible business.

Initially, the spokesman for Netflix was resistant, stating, What do you mean, movies on demand? Never heard of them.

But when the remarkable procedure was demonstrated to him, he relented and, in fact, commented, Well, Ill be. Why didnt somebody tell me about it before I took this job?

Tom Attea, humorist and creator of, has had six shows produced Off-Broadway. Critics have called his writing "delightfully funny," "witty," with "good, genuine laughs" and "great humor and ebullience."Bernelle Blog63033
Alethea Blog96182

Bad Credit? No Problem With Prepaid Cell Phones

For those of you who do not have the best credit rating out there, prepaid cell phones are great options for you. When prepaid cell phones originally hit the market their prime purpose was for those of you who fall into that category. With reduced credit scores, you can obtain a prepaid cell phone, whereas normal cell phone services may not be available to you. In this day and age almost everyone has a cell phone, and their convenience of connecting you to family and friends with one quick flip is becoming more and more attractive. In order for those of you will lower credit scores, prepaid cell phones may be your best option.

Regular Cell Phones

Before obtaining a cell phone that is not prepaid cell phone companies require a credit check. Depending on your credit rate risk, you may be charged more than others will better credit standings. It is standard procedure to provide your social security number to cell phone companies in order that they may run credit checks, and it is important to remember that every credit check that is run shows up on your credit report. The more unsuccessful credit checks that you encounter, the harder it is for you to improve your credit rating. So, if you are trying to improve your credit rating, it may be a better option to start with a prepaid cell phone, and switch to a non-prepaid plan later on.

Prepaid Cell Phones

With prepaid, as mentioned above, there are no credit checks, and you will no longer need to be worried about your credit score reducing even more. With prepaid cell phones, there is no risk to the service providers because you must pay for the services in advance. If you want the use of the phone, you have to pay upfront. This allows you maintain control over your credit score, and your checkbook.

Although prepaid cell phones are a great option for those of you with lower credit scores, it is also a great option for those with great credit scores. Basically, prepaid cell phones allow you all the same services and options without the hassle of standard cell phone plans.

Shelly Walther has written several articles on prepaid cell phones. She has researched many different options and understands how prepaid can benefit users. You can see more of her work, including more articles on prepaid cell phones, at and Blog36677
Arlene Blog12923

How Has Distance Learning Evolved Over the Years?

Online education programs started in the mid-1990s with basic courses and relatively few choices. Over the last decade, however, distance learning has undergone tremendous growth and development. Today nearly 50% of higher education institutions offer some type of online education with over 3 million Americans taking online classes.

With this evolution, online students have become far more discerning in their choices. They expect the same things from online teachers as they do from a teacher in a classroom. These classes must be interesting as well as informative. In some cases, this has led to the development of education animation as a popular teaching method.

Student and Faculty Interaction

Most importantly, with technological developments, these online courses now allow you a very high level of interaction with teachers and other students amazingly similar to a more traditional educational setting. Some hybrid methods even allow you to meet in person or speak to classmates and faculty over the phone in addition to your online courses. In other cases, the internet itself becomes a useful interactive tool through large chat rooms or email.

Continuing Education Online

In addition to obtaining a degree, distance learning courses have become an affordable and efficient method of continuing your education online. Many businesses use these courses as a cost-effective way to teach their employees new skills.

Any continuing education obtained online looks great to perspective employers while benefiting you by enhancing your knowledge and skills in whatever field of interest you choose.

There is no limit to the opportunities available today in almost any area you can imagine.

As online education becomes more common, the technologies which support it will evolve rapidly, making it an even easier way for people to learn and upgrade their degree levels while maintaining careers and family responsibilities.


Nancy Lambert is an executive for . provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Cele Blog3180
Catlee Blog92444

The Way To Buy Furniture Is Changing

Furnishing Your Home on a Shoe-String Budget

Have you seen the changes in furniture? Think about how something as simple as buying a new piece of furniture can change how a person feels about their home. Now that ready-to-assemble furniture (commonly called RTA) is so widely available, and the prices so much lower than ready-made, it is opening a whole new demographic for being able to buy quality furniture pieces.

"Are People Happy to Buy RTA Furniture?" You bet they are! To be able to furnish a house, apartment, office, dorm room, etc., without breaking the bank has resulted in an enormous increase in online RTA sales. RTA furniture is one of the fastest growing segments of the furniture market internationally.

"How about the Quality of RTA?" Design, engineering, production, testing and packaging are done in-house. Each component of every product is carefully engineered to be produced with minimal handling, without compromising quality, function and value. Testing is done to meet and exceed National Safe Test "Drop Test" standards. Products are typically made from a combination of "engineered woods." These materials are bonded together with a synthetic resin, in a process under high heat and pressure to make a very stable, environmentally friendly product. The result is dense, strong panels, which are then laminated with durable, attractive finishes. Better materials can be afforded when the buyer saves on expensive shipping costs by buying items that come flat-packaged.

Consumers have demanded current design trends as well as durability. And while standards have increased tremendously, a buyer's pocketbook still forces them to watch the price. Younger buyers want to create stylish rooms that mesh with the latest technology, i.e., slim and modern designs well known to RTA easily win out over heavier and costlier furnishings.

"Is it easy to Assemble?" Yes. Each unit comes with detailed assembly instructions and one person can assemble most things in well under an hour. Surveys indicate approximately 50% of the assemblers are female customers and most find the assembly instructions very easy to follow. Oftentimes, sales & marketing employees assemble and write the instructions to make sure we provide enough common sense directions.

"What is Available in RTA Furniture?" Every room in the home is a candidate for RTA furniture. Over the years, the industry has evolved and you will find bedroom sets, tables, desk and office furniture, entertainment furniture, and dining room furniture. There is more on the way.

Now you are just as likely to find a designer look bedroom set at your online etailer as at an uptown specialty furniture store. RTA makes a stylishly furnished home possible for almost everyone.

Steve Day is President of I Like Calypso Blog8733
Alisa Blog22877

Shanghai After Dark

Bars in Shanghai, like other metropolises, are clustered in streets and usually a night out entails going out to a specific street and stopping in for a few drinks at two or three (or four or five) different venues in a night. This practice is fading somewhat, however, as larger mega-clubs are entering Shanghai and the bar scene is much more event based. Nowadays, partiers are planning their nights around a single specific event and tacking on an after hours party rather than just bar hopping on a street. In addition to this focus, all bars usually have happy hours and drink deals to attract the after work crowd. Several bars offer competing "Ladies Nights", which offer free drinks to ladies, and "Open Bar" nights, which offer an all-you-can-drink deal after you pay a cover charge (usually RMB 100). Shanghai's more popular dancing venues usually try to book international DJs to attract the clubbing crowd.

Nowadays, clubs could be packed one night during a specific event, opening or promotion and completely deserted the next night. Avid club goers would be wise to consult local print media (That's Shanghai, City Weekend) or web sites ( to keep abreast of the scene.

With the locals, KTV bars are the choice form of nightlife recreation, but the club scene in Shanghai is where the expats really come out of the woodworks. With a few exceptions, the bars in Shanghai are organized after Western models and on a given night you could be walking into Shanghai's version of an Ohio State frat party, an Ibiza rave, a London ale house, a New York lounge, or a Paris caf.

Bar Streets

Maoming Road: It all began on Maoming Road. Although its glory has somewhat faded in the light of new, bigger, and better night spot options, Maoming Road still continues to offer some highlights to the indiscriminate bar hopper. Bar girls abound in this street which is home to some of Shanghai's oldest pubs and clubs. Those looking to sample some of that old school Shanghai vice could do worse that spending a night and early morning staggering up and down this famous strip. (Key venues: Babyface, Judy's Too, Woodstock, M factory, Maoming Manhattan Bar)

Tongren Road: A smaller, more efficient Maoming, Tongren Road seeks to recapture the seedy flavor of Maoming and is home to many of that street's sister bars. Tongren Road caters to a more single minded punter; the bar girls and their admirers seem a little more populous on this strip. (Key Venues: Blue Frog, Blue Angel, Judy's Too, Woodstock, Studio 78, Mint)

Hengshan Road: At night, this shopping street converts into the largest bar street in Shanghai with nightspots lining both sides of the road for kilometers. One of the more picturesque and scenic areas of the city, Hengshan road is home to the cities most famous bars, cafes, restaurants and tea houses and boasts a wide selection of each. (Key venues: Sasha's, O'Malley's, Beni House, Zapata's, Bourbon Street, Hello Bar, Narcissus)

Xintiandi: Shanghai's trendy Xintiandi area is located within walking distance of the Huangpi Road (S) Metro station and contains a bevy of upscale bars, restaurants and international boutiques. This area buzzes after dark and is where Shanghai's hip and wealthy go to sip on cocktails on terraced patios, lounges, and cafes. (Key Venues: Ark Live House, KABB, Soho Pub)

The Weekend Bender

For travelers that prefer the nightlife to the sights, the following schedule will ensure an unforgettable weekend in Shanghai.


Head down to Sasha's on Hengshan Road to enjoy the half priced drinks from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M and then pop next door to Zapata's to try the best Mexican food in Shanghai. After finishing the meal and a few drinks proceed south down Hengshan stopping in at whichever place looks happening. Narcissus and Bourbon Street usually feature live acts and are good if you are looking to see a cover band and Beni's is a great pub to have a pint. After you've sampled a bit of the Hengshan Road pubs head off to the main event at Mural Bar: the 100 RMB all you can drink special. Mural is the place to be on Friday night with an open bar and great music keeping the party going till 2 A.M. The open bar shuts down at two in the morning and depending on the state you're in, your going to want to end the night right here or go for broke at Windows Too. The Mural' s indows combination is a time honored classic Friday night lineup designed for those who want to drink and dance themselves into oblivion. Alternately, if you are looking to keep a certain level of integrity, or at least, something a little more exotic, try the Dragon Club on Fenyang Road instead. This venue is Shanghai's most popular after hours bar and although the cover charge and drink prices are a little on the pricey side, it can always be counted on the be packed early into the morning.


For those who managed to stay responsible the night before and managed to drag themselves out of bed to sample a little daytime Shanghai, reward yourself with a little shopping on either Nanjing Road or Huihai Road to gear up for a ritzy Saturday night. If Friday night was all about crass then Saturday should be all about class at some of Shanghai's finest upscale drinking and dining establishments. After lunch at Element Fresh head off for an afternoon at a massage and spa facility to rejuvenate after last night's debauchery. Women should head to Dragonfly and men should head off to the Alexander Club for some much needed physical rehabilitation. Head back to your hotel to get changed and dressed up for a sophisticated night on the town. Have dinner and cocktails at Jade on 36 at the Shangri-La Building. Although the restaurant is on the pricey side (between RMB 400-900), it is well worth it for the gorgeous view and atmosphere and the food which is prepared with the utmost sophistication and refinement. Try the Sea-bass Rivera, accompanied by a basil sauce and cherry tomatoes. After dinner, head back to Puxi and stop in at the Glamour bar to lounge on the sofas and sample their extensive drink list. Glamour Bar, spinning jazz and designed with a 1930s sort of aesthetic, is a great place for conversation in an Old Shanghai setting. After an hour or two here, head to the main event, Bar Rouge, and visit the most talked about bar in Shanghai. Whether you are dazzled by the fire tricks of the bar staff, the chic clientele or the outrageous prices, a night at Bar Rouge is an unforgettable way to spend a Saturday night. If you've been there and done that, and are looking for a Bar Rouge type substitute, try Barbarossa or the new Attica Club. Depending on your budget, if you followed the earlier suggestions you should be cleaned out. However, never-say-die partiers who tire of the main event and are looking for a little fresh ground to tackle the early hours of the morning try Bonbon club, or Park 97. Both venues go all night and are guaranteed to be slamming on Saturday night.


You going to need to get up around 11ish and get down to the Jing'an district to get a big greasy breakfast at either Rendezvous Caf (pp) or City Diner, both of which have great breakfast specials. After having the requisite amount of coffee head down to old town to buy antiques and souvenirs for yourself and your friends and family back home to prove you were in Shanghai. Head back to your hotel for a shower and to change for Sunday night.

Sunday night should be all about deetox and what better way than to purge the system that having ten or twelve beers at the best dive bars in Shanghai? For dinner, head over to Malone's to chow down on one of their specialty burgers and hang out on the patio. An evening on the patio accompanied by a few pints and a few burgers is a great way to ease oneself into a good Sunday night. From here take a cab to Windows Scoreboard which offers great prices and value (provided you stick to bottled beer). The bar also offers pool and a large screen T.V. C's bar is also a local favorite and the prices and atmosphere are great for lounging and hanging out with friends. For those who want a classier night, head on down to the JZ Club, Shanghai's premier jazz performance venue to take in a live jazz show. If you're in luck Shanghai's own Coco will be performing.

Best of Shanghai

Shanghai's nightlife scene is fast paced and cut throat with new bars, lounges, and clubs opening and closing weekly. It is almost impossible to keep abreast of all the changes happening, however, the following section lists some of the more popular nightspots and their chief selling points.

Eslynn Su - I am a fond traveller, an expert on China travel and the best online tour guide you will find. Come and visit The World's China Portal at to obtain all the information you need on China, interesting articles to help you understand Chinese culture, and all the answers to your questions!Arlene Blog12923
Ara Blog93279

Taking Advantage Of Your Concierge In Cancun

Travelers often dismiss concierges as meaningless middlemen. Yet, when vacationing in Cancun, your hotel concierge can supply you a world of information and opportunity. These jacks-of-all-trades can be found at most resorts and know Cancun as well as anyone. While some concierges may have more valuable connections than others, any one of these hotel professionals can provide invaluable tips for your stay. Best of all, their assistance and advice are free of charge.

When in Cancun, youll obviously be in search of unique recreation and entertainment opportunities. To access the best this exotic destination has to offer, ask your concierge for assistance setting up special activities for your vacation. Whether you want to go scuba diving or snorkeling with Cancuns premier dive masters, take a private tour of ancient Mayan ruins or play a round at one of Cancuns exclusive golf resorts, your concierge is the best ticket to the finest attractions.

Keep in mind concierges are paid to be the ultimate Cancun insiders. They attend museum exhibits, dine at the finest restaurants and frequent the exclusive clubs, all for the sake of telling you what's worth your time and money. Along the way, they develop business relationships that offer hard-to-find tickets, reservations and discounts. As a result, restaurants are more likely to accommodate concierges from high-profile resorts for last-minute reservations or special accommodations than the average tourist.

When asking about restaurants, it pays to be specific. Suggest a location, view, price range or cuisine to ensure your concierge knows exactly what youre looking for. The same goes for any request you make of your concierge in Cancun, anything from shopping for the perfect gift to locating a doctor or babysitter. The more information you provide the concierge, the more they will be able to help.

Your concierge can also serve as a travel agent - confirming flights, changing seat assignments, securing visas and boarding passes, even planning entire vacations. Concierges can even act as personal assistants, running errands like delivering business materials and picking up needed supplies.

Just as important as those perks, a good concierge will serve as an instructor of local customs and etiquette, letting you how to dress at the beach or the best way to experience the nightlife. Your concierge will also be up to date on events and festivals in Cancun and can suggest the best times to visit certain attractions.

Like every other travel detail, the best travel tip regarding the concierge remains the ability to plan and organize. To take full advantage of the possibilities outlined above, your relationship with the hotel concierge should begin well before checkin. Though many travelers arent aware of this fact, you can call the concierge up to one month before you arrive to discuss any of the objectives for your trip, be it business or pleasure. With such advance notice, your concierge can make all of your arrangements and appointments and even grant you a detailed hourly itinerary when you arrive. An advance call to the concierge is also the best way to ensure a table at a popular restaurant or a ticket to a sold-out event. While a concierge can often use his connections to make a last-minute reservation, the more time you allow the better.

Calling in advance can also qualify you for special pricing at your hotel. The concierge will know about seasonal specials the resorts dont advertise, in addition to discount opportunities for dining and sightseeing.

As mentioned, concierge services are free. However, introducing yourself and offering a $20 gratuity at the beginning of your vacation is a good idea if you plan on making several requests. As a general rule, a tip of $5 is acceptable for dinner or entertainment reservations. A tip up to $100 might be in order if the concierge developed your itinerary or exhibited truly exceptional service. Furthermore, when you return to the resort, the concierge will certainly remember you and be prepared to serve again.

This article was written by Justin Burch. Justin writes select pieces about travel in Mexico for the CasaMagna Marriott Cancun Resort. Blog70286
Abbye Blog17920

How To Treat Your Acne At Home

Home treatment for acne includes care from the inside out, as well as taking good care of your skin.

Cleanse your face using a cleanser appropriate for your skin type, that will not dry out your face or leave it greasy.

Diet can be important, although there is some debate as to whether certain foods exacerbate acne. Keep track of when your breakouts are worst, and if there seems to be a particluar food that causes flareups, cut it out of your diet.

Remember that good nutrition will have a positive effect on your complexion. If you are not eating properly, consider a multivitamin daily, as well as taking MSM, which enables your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Remember that exfoliation is important to remove skin cells that may lead to clogged pores. Be careful if you have sensitive skin, as this may aggravate the condition. Instead of a grainy scrub, you may want to look for a product with buffered chemical exfoliants, and remember to test any product on a small patch of skin to make sure you are not going to react negatively to it.

There are many over the counter treatments for acne. Salicylic acid helps cell turnover, and benzoyl peroxide is an effective way to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammation associated with pimples. It is best to apply a small amount all over the face, because there is little you can do about the acne you actually see; it is more about preventing the blemishes that are forming beneath the surface.

If, even after using the above preventive and treatment measures, don't be afraid to talk to your doctor. There have been many advances in acne treatment, and your doctor may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics or lotions and creams to help you deal with your condition more effectively.

There is no reason you need to suffer alone. Acne can be embarrassing, but the feeling of finally being able to control it is worth anything you need to do to get there!

Ingrid Tiessen writes on health and lifestyle issues, and has it on very good authority how difficult acne is to control. Cahra Blog30401
Brittne Blog48896

Benefits of Computer Franchise Ownership

Entrepreneurs buying computer franchises can enjoy many benefits and minimize typical start-up risks, which can make ownership of these franchises an ideal situation for those looking to start their own business. Since new owners typically need help with marketing, financing and training services, will find these resources already available to them as part of computer franchise ownership.


Buying a computer franchises has several benefits. You are getting an established product as well as operating procedures that are already in place. Training, advertising, advice and other financially draining items are also often already paid for, or available and set up as part of the franchise fee. This means you have the chance to enjoy profit much sooner than with other types of new businesses. All these benefits are part of the reason computer franchises have a greater rate of success than other computer businesses.

A Final Product With A Track Record

One of the best things about computer franchise ownership is that you are buying the rights to a final product or service with a track record. You will be able to use the trademark, name and all advertising tools. Customers will already be expecting good service and quality products your business name implies, which will decrease the time it takes to establish trusting relationships with your customers that will lead to future business.

Operating Procedures In Place

As the owner of a computer franchise, you will have a pre-made operating manual that explains procedures already in place. Because the procedures have already been working, you will not have to suffer through a trial and error process. You will already know what products and supplies people want and how sales and service calls are handled. And if you run into trouble, you will have people to call to clarify.

On-Going Training And Marketing

Owning computer franchises has many special advantages, including support from the company. You will get help with finding a location, management, marketing, hiring and training your employees. Many companies will also provide regular newsletters or workshops with tips to help grow and maintain your business.

Regardless of how many conveniences are waiting for you as a computer franchise owner, buying one still takes time, energy and a great financial commitment. However, buying a computer franchise can help alleviate a great deal of stress.

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Joshua Feinberg can help you grow your computer consulting business, the RIGHT way! Sign-up now for your free audio training program that features field-tested, proven Computer Consultants Business Tools at http://www.SmallBizTechTalk.comBobbie Blog1823
Barby Blog57534

Getting You First Big Break in Acting; Getting Started

Acting - Getting Started

Acting is a very competitive field of work. Get a mind-set of: "Make-it-so" and use it always. Your first role is "You" as as a persistent actor who stops at nothing. There is no one sure shot formula to make it big in the acting industry. What one needs is a fair amount of luck along with connections and a will to stick it out till the end and of course, most importantly, talent.

Amateur Productions

Try and take part in as many such productions as you can. Even small town local theaters would do. This will provide you with the very essential practice as well as confidence. Also, it is of utmost importance not to lose heart. Remember that many great actors were spotted by agents and casting directors in such amateurish productions in small town theater halls.

Student Films

Colleges have their own productions. You can participate in such a student production in your college or school. Also film schools require their students make a number of films and the student directors are always on the lookout for amateurs who can act well. The pay will be minimal. However, it will add to your resume. Even if the film is bad, your acting skills will show through. Always keep tapes of such acting exercises, so to speak.


Being cast as an extra has its plus points too. Films being shot on location need extras. Participating as an extra will give you valuable experienceyou can actually see how a film is actually made. Also, it might just help you make the right connections. With real contacts with casting directors from the film industry you will go a long way.

Independent Films

Independent film makers work on shoe-string budgets. They can not afford big names from the glamorous acting world. They might be on the look out for new faces with fresh talent. Keep a look out for such filmsthey are the best bet for an actor who is just starting out. They might go a long way in establishing your career as often such films meet with huge popular and/or critical success.

Through the ways mentioned above you can gain a considerable experience which can make your resume look really attractive and weighty. With a suitable portfolio you can get yourself an agent. This agent then takes over and finds films suitable for you.

He or she is better suited for this job of film hunting that you because of the agents prior experience as well as contacts. But above all be positive. Becoming a popular actor is extremely difficult and can be achieved only through the dint of hard work. You are bound to meet with failures, disappointments and frustrating episodes.

Only perseverance can bring success.

Jack Tracy is an Actor/Director with a passion for film and contributes to the site: Acting SecretsBlondell Blog2012
Alison Blog66072

San Francisco Schools Small Schools Program

San Francisco Schools Small Schools are Effective

The Small Schools program in San Francisco Schools was established back in 2000. One successful example of a small school is the San Francisco Schools Leadership High School. This high school has a total of only 345 students, uses high standards and close relationship with teachers to help at risk students. Leadership High School was established about 5 years ago and now has some of the highest test scores in all of the San Francisco Schools. Mainly the idea is to take large schools, usually high schools, into several smaller schools that can focus on the students needs better.

San Francisco Schools have become a leader in a growing trend that has spread across Northern California. The idea behind breaking up large schools is an attempt to provide an alternative to the status quo. Students in a small school tend to have higher rates of graduation, higher attendance rates, and higher university attendance. The small school environment succeeds due to a more personalized learning environment. The small schools of the San Francisco Schools use a mentor system that gives guidance to that they are personally engaged in their work. Students are motivated while being connected to the school community. The National Longitudinal Study for Adolescent Health reports that students in a small school environment were less likely to use alcohol, illegal drugs, become pregnant, or experience emotional distress.

San Francisco Schools Small Schools for Equity

The Small Schools for Equity program is an innovative partnership between San Francisco Schools and a local university. This high school has one hundred students from all of the San Francisco Schools. This high school will be housed on the universitys campus and be supported by the College of Education while being managed and funded by San Francisco Schools. The students, teachers and administration will have a say in curriculum development. Students who attend the Small Schools for Equity program were chosen by San Francisco Schools officials. The high school students will study a rigid curriculum that will include high school level math, science, English, humanities, world language, art and Japanese. No college courses will be offered.

The Small Schools for Equity program provides the College of Education with a great opportunity in teacher education. San Francisco Schools has allowed university students seeking teaching credentials to teach and observe in schools throughout the San Francisco School district for years, now the College of Education will have a high school on campus that will benefit from modern educational theory and practices. The high school will be housed in Burk Hall and run a full school day from 8AM to 3PM, the rest of the day Burk Hall will be used by education students.

San Francisco Schools Board of Education Reviews Small Schools

The San Francisco Schools Board of Education is, this summer, reviewing a policy that would support the San Francisco Schools Small Schools By Design. The policy is being introduced by San Francisco Schools Acting Superintendent Gwen Chan and is supported by school board president Norman Yee and San Francisco Organizing Project, a community organization that supports the small schools initiative. San Francisco Organizing Project is a collection of religious congregations, schools and community centers. Those opposed to the program claim that the money spent does not equal the benefits but supporters say that the Small Schools offset the difficulties of declining student enrollment and the flight of families from San Francisco Schools. The current policy up for vote would create a task force to determine the locations and needs of San Francisco Schools which would benefit most from Small Schools.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more on San Francisco schools visit Blog52421
Anstice Blog42430

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